We’re excited for you and the team to get started using WritersRoom Pro. Please use the form below to let us know who you would like to make the PROJECT OWNER and we’ll get the registration link sent out immediately.
The way it works is like this:
The PROJECT OWNER creates the actual project (series or feature) herself or himself. Afterwards, the Project Owner can invite someone to be an ADMINISTRATOR. The Administrator is usually someone trusted by the production — another showrunner, a showrunner’s assistant, the script coordinator — who will have the ability to invite writers to join the project by creating their own individual accounts.
Once the project is created the Project Owner can invite others to join the project either as ADMINISTRATORS or WRITERS. The difference is that Administrators have the ability to invite Writers, while Writers can only write. Once we know who the Project Owner is we’ll send them instructions how to do this.
A WORD OF CAUTION — When the Project Owner sets up the actual project he or she also has to create a project password which is the absolute encryption key to the show. It’s case sensitive and a recovery key will be generated at the same time so the project password can be reset in the event of an emergency. The Project owner needs to save the recovery key in a safe place.
Please use the form below to let us know who the PROJECT OWNER is going to be (even if it’s you!) and we’ll get instructions and a link sent out ASAP.
NOTE — If you have other projects with us and you have someone from your company serve as the project owner for ALL of your projects, please fill out the form below anyway. You will likely not get a new email, and instead can just go to your main projects page (the one that loads when you sign into WritersRoom Pro) and simply add the new project and get to work!